26 weeks ago we started on a journey in a book of the Bible called “Ephesians” and I am happy to announce - we made it!
Six chapters, 155 verses, and over 3,000 words later, we have the final four verses to read.
In other letters written by Paul (for example, Colossians 4), he sends additional greetings from additional ministers and church leaders. However, in Paul's final remarks to the Ephesian church, Paul informs them of a trusted visitor that will give a report of his health and ministry.
The final verse will remind us of a theme Paul introduced to the Ephesian church. As we await the final sermon and this Sunday, "redeem the time" by preparing your heart for our gathering this Sunday. Take time to pray through this list:
Ask God to prepare your heart to worship Him.
Ask God to lead our worship team, ushers, members, visitors, Sunday School teachers, and church staff as final preparations for our gathering take place.
Ask God to prepare your heart to hear His Word and to use Pastor Drake to magnify God through the public proclamation (preaching) of His Word.
Ask God to open the eyes of those who are not saved to see their need of Jesus.
Finally, use the guide below as a way to make final preparations for Sunday's gathering. Psalm 95:6 says, "Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!"
Sermon Title: Grace Will Lead Me
Sermon Passage: Ephesians 6:21-24
Valley of Vision Prayer: Grace in Trials
Worship Time: Sunday Worship 10:10 A.M. CST
Live Stream Link: https://www.facebook.com/firstbaptistcarmi
Radio Station: 1460 AM; 93.3 FM Broadcast time from 9AM-10AM each Sunday.
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